Bringing Welsh Springer Spaniel Owners Together

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Q: Why am I not receiving posts from the list?

A: When mail sent to your email address bounces you are unsubscribed and you need to resubscribe.

Q: I tried to post to the list and got back a message that I'm not authorized what happened?

A: You tried to send mail from a email address different from the one you used to subscribe to the list.

Q: I'm changing servers, how do I change my address for the list?

A: You need to unsubscribe from the list your old address and then subscribe with your new address.

Q: Why is my post being returned to me by the moderator as unacceptable?

A: No posts which contain any flames will be tolerated. Review list rules  and rewrite or edit your post and resubmit it.

Q: I'm on AOL and having difficulty getting list mail.

A: AOL 's spam software is blocking your mail. Try unsubscribing and then resubscribe to the digest version of WelshSpringer-H

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